Sunday, December 6, 2009

33 weeks and Nesting

Happy (approaching) holidays friends!

For those of you not yet aware, I have been blessed with the opportunity to be at stay at home mommy for the last few weeks of pregnancy and the first few months of motherhood (hey, I can dream that it's forever, but we will see!)

For the last few days, I have been in definite nesting mode. Matt gets home from work, the dishes are done and put away, all counter tops and surfaces are clean, dinner is in the oven..hard to say who appreciates it more, me or him! In all seriousness, however, a major stress weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I have been to the library, Christmas shopped, read, relaxed, and been able to detox all the negatives that had been hindering me over the last few months! (And this coming from the woman who did not take a single day off from work during the 16 weeks from Hades (aka morning, noon, night sickness) or any sick day the entire pregnancy!!)

Things on my to-do list still include addressing & mailing Christmas cards, finishing decorating the tree, finishing Christmas shopping (please tell me other expectant parents actually wrap gifts for their unborn child to place under the tree so I don't feel like a crazy mom!!), and watching the entire season 5 of LOST when it releases on DVD this week

This weekend Matt & I learned a valuable lesson on patience. We ventured out to get our Christmas/maternity photos taken, and arrived 5 minutes before our scheduled appointment. However, we ended up waiting for 1 hour and 20 minutes for our photos to be taken (which took 10 minutes max) and then another 20 minutes to view the photos, all surrounded by crabby people and children screaming (hey, I understand, kids, I felt like screaming too!!)! By the time we finally selected a photo and paid, we were told we could pick up our pictures in 30 minutes. Knowing the lines we had waited in all morning, we wisely decided to wait 45 minutes before returning, only to find out now that the printer was broken and we could not pick up the pictures till possibly Monday. I think that by having a good attitude towards the situation, we were both able to grow a bit. I know I typically would be raging at this point, but God gave me peace and I was (for once) able to look on the bright side (and we got to shop and have a fantastic lunch while waiting).

May God give you all the same peace he has given me over the last week!

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