Monday, August 2, 2010
Recent Happenings....
January 20, 2010--Macy was born! :) A cute little glow-worm bundle of joy!!
February marked the departure of my right hand (my mom) from her extended stay in Arizona. Matt's parents also visited. We are both hoping that BOTH sets of grandparents can someday join us in Arizona!
In March, Macy had her first plane ride, and first of many trips to Nebraska. Macy & I stayed for about 10 days and highlights included visits from many friends, my bridal shower, and bachelorette party! Matt also had his bachelor party in Las Vegas. Macy also saw snow for the first time in Nebraska! By the time we returned from Nebraska, Macy was also sleeping through the night!
April absolutely flew by! Some highlights include wedding plans, wedding plans, and more wedding plans. Workouts and workdays. And more wedding planning.
In May, my sister, MacKenzie, graduated from college and Macy and I visited Nebraska for the event. Then, came wedding day! It was perfect weather, and a perfect day, despite all the troubles our out-of-town guests had in their arrivals. :) Matt and I then continued on to Atlanta, where highlights included Olympic Park, the Aquarium, and Mushroom Mellow's pizzeria. Macy enjoyed spending time with Gramma and Grumpa Moore.
In June, Matt and I went tubing down the Salt River, celebrated Matt's birthday with ice cream cake and happy hour at Kona Grill, and Macy and I went back to Nebraska for a friends bachelorette party and Father's Day.
In July, our family watched fireworks for the 4th, and enjoyed a "stay-cation" at the Hotel W in Scottsdale. We tubed down the Salt River again, and continued our attendance at Red Mountain Community Church. Macy's bottom teeth "appeared" and she began to regularly eat solid foods.
August is now here, and in a few days Gramma & Grumpa Moore arrive to babysit Macy while Matt & I head to Sandals Ocho Rios in Jamaica. That's what we've been up too! :)
Monday, January 4, 2010
37 1/2 weeks, How many more???
January 2009--Liz's 26th Birthday
Matt is back to work today, first day back since Dec 23, and first day at ICE's new location! It sounds like a great building and Matt is all pumped up to be #1 overall for 1st Quarter 2010, just like he was for 4th Quarter 2009!
I am getting very anxious for Macy Grace to be here! My mom stayed after Christmas so she can be here when MG decides to make her debut! I feel like a walking time-bomb....everyday, just waiting! Now that the holidays have passed, there isn't a grand "to-do" list everyday. The nursery is done, presents have been bought, Macy has everything she needs, and my big item on the to-do list everyday is my 2 mile walk! :-)
Monday, December 21, 2009
Merry Christmas! With the holiday quickly approaching, I thought this would be a fun opportunity to do a little guessing game for what sweet little Macy Grace’s birthday will be! We haven’t determined the prize for the winner yet, but we thought it would be fun to do no matter what!
A few fun facts about our darling girl:
* Macy’s due date is estimated as January 22, 2010
* Mommy’s birthday is January 25!
* As of 35 weeks, Macy’s weight is about 5 pounds, 1 oz
* Mommy weighed 6 lb 14 oz at birth
* According to the ultra sound tech, Macy could be a tall little princess! :-)
* Daddy had TONS of hair when he was born, but Mommy was a little baldie :-)
* Macy likes to give Mommy lots of heartburn, but not really any pre-term contractions yet.
* Macy is measuring the perfect size, but Mommy still looks really small.
So far, the guesses stand as:
* 1-15-10 Mommy
* 1-19-10 Grandma Kay
* 1-20-10 Aunt MacKenzie
* 1-21-10 Aunt Kim & Uncle Mike
* 1-22-10 Daddy
* 1-23-10 Grumpa Charlie
* 1-25-10 Grandma Jane
Macy’s nursery is all ready, all that needs to be done is assemble her stroller and install the carseat in the Saturn Vue! (We will let the firemen take care of that!) We also have pictures to hang on the walls in the nursery, but we will wait for Grumpa Charlie and his level to get here before we attempt that!
Liz, Matt & Macy Grace
Sunday, December 6, 2009
33 weeks and Nesting
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
32 weeks down, 8 to go!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
30 Weeks Down, Less than 10 to Go!
Matt & I moved into the new house last weekend, and with the exception of not having the water turned on yet, things are going well. We still need to move the kitchen, master bathroom, our clothes, and pets to the new house, but other than that, we are practically done!
My parents are arriving Saturday to stay through Thanksgiving. We are thankful that my dad will be able to help with all the little "projects" around the house (painting Macy's room, fixing the tile in the kitchen, etc). My mom is also looking forward to doting on her daughter and unborn granddaughter....well, at least I hope she is!
Macy Grace is a little cheerleader already; she practices her kicks, flips, and jumps every morning between 9:30-11:00, every afternoon from 2:00-3:30, and every evening between 6-8 pm. She especially likes it when Daddy reads her "Goodnight Moon" and "The Hungary Caterpillar". She gives me insane heartburn everyday, but if I could make it through 3+ months of morning sickness, I suppose I can last another 2 months with the heartburn. I can't believe it's coming up so soon!
I am not looking too prego yet; when I went to pick up my prescription from the pharmacy, the pharmacist, asked me if I was on birth control, because "this medication can reduce its effectiveness" to which I responded, "sir, I am 30 weeks. I don't think that will make a difference at this point!" He looked very confused after I told him this. I suppose he could have thought I am a little chunky, haha.
This is my first posting, so hope this is what I am supposed to be writing!
Much love,
Liz (& Matt & Macy)